1.The IN operator may be used if you know the exact value you want to return for at least one of the columns.
2.With a move parameter mapping, the exact value of a source parameter will pass as-is to a target parameter.
3.Due to this lack of discretion, it appears that we may need to make an exception to the exact value disclosure for future shipments.
4.To remove the overridden value so that the property will no longer be overridden, you must enter the exact value of that property.
5.Either the maximum likelihood estimate or the maximum a posteriori estimate may be used in place of the exact value in the above equations.
6.The insurance adjustor had to ascertain the exact value of the missing jewels .
7.Your program should print to the output a single integer ? the exact value of the square of the wallpaper needed.
8.However, because of the traditional mechanical measurements of residual stress are many defects, it is difficult to obtain its exact value.
9.The exact value of crop circles to the broader economy is unclear.
10.The exact value is a decimal constant of the form yyyymmL. For example, use